Instructor-Led Trainings

My instructor-led courses can take place virtually or in-person and are designed to help bridge the learner gaps with interactive elements such as discussions, polls, brainstorming activities, demonstrations, and hands-on practice. I develop visually appealing and professional slide decks along with accompanying facilitator guides that are detailed and ready to go.

Let's get your leaders the materials they need to conduct top-notch trainings!

Here is a VILT sample:

Leadership Matters: Empowering Teams for Success

Business Problem/Goal:

Despite the critical role of leadership in driving organizational success, there is a noticeable gap in leadership skills, leading to issues such as low employee engagement, ineffective decision-making, and diminished productivity. This VILT aims to bridge these gaps by providing actionable insights and strategies that empower leaders to inspire, motivate, and guide their teams effectively.

Learning Objectives:


One hour VILT training session on Zoom including interactive discussions, word clouds, break-out rooms, polls, case study, questions, and brainstorming/developing a personal action plan for leadership growth.

Click to see all five deliverables: